Case Study

Focus, teamwork and involvement drove new level performance.

  • Ideas generated from those closest to the action created buy-in and momentum

The proof of (Westwind’s) effectiveness is the very high degree of buy-in from our people, which gave us a very rapid escalation in improvement — from ideas generated by our people.


As a neutral third party, the employees were open to give their honest perceptions and input to highlight strengths and opportunities in areas requiring attention. This motivated all employees to be collaborative and involved in the direction and priorities for the organization.


  • New workforce
  • Department silos
  • New to position leaders


  • Neutral and independent interviews to assess current workflow and communication patterns
  • Facilitated consensus on best priority improvements-all staff were brought onboard and were included
  • Involved and challenged workforce to problem solve and generate best solutions


  • Motivated Employees
  • Collaboration
  • Focus on priorities

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